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A Race for Every Body

unified 5k

AdaptX creates access to better health and fitness for individuals with disabilities through education, advocacy, and opportunity.


AdaptX elevates expectations and rewrites the narrative on disability by teaching communities and companies how to design inclusive and accessible environments and events. We demonstrate the economic value of inclusion and how ability can be expressed when athletes have access to the tools and knowledge that they need.


We make physical activity accessible to the disabled community through our educational initiatives and by addressing socioeconomic barriers to participation and competition through our AdaptX Athlete and Ambassador Fund, providing scholarships for individuals with disabilities to train with certified coaches and compete in endurance sports.


Our network of AdaptX-coaches and Unified 5k Races create inclusive and accessible opportunities that facilitate participation in fitness and recreation for those with intellectual and physical disabilities.

The Unified 5k Impact

Adaptive athletes playing soccer

What is the AdaptXpo?

Our expo connects companies and consumers to create inclusive and accessible communities. Our vendors and workshops introduce people with and without disabilities to the power and performance of adaptive sports.

What makes the Unified 5k unique?

Photo of Joey, Ken and Brandon

The Rick Hoyt Research Lab

The Rick Hoyt Research Lab was established to perform impactful studies that improve fitness and reduce secondary health conditions for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. We accomplish this by pursuing two lines of clinical and translational science:

1) The optimization of exercise delivery in people with ID/PD, and

2) The implementation of accessible and inclusive fitness environments.

Upcoming Unified 5k Races

Salt Lake City, UT

Cumberland, RI

Unified Endurance Project Logo

Racing Towards Inclusion

Introducing people with and without disabilities to adaptive sports to rewrite the narrative on expectations.


Yes, we designed all of our courses to be wheelchair accessible. In the event that there are characteristics that would require a certain level of ability and experience, these will be specified.

Registration fees are refundable up to 7 days prior to the event. I.e. for a race on May 10th at 10am, refund request must be submitted before May 3rd at 10am.

While we’re partnering with many like-minded charitable organizations and companies to make these events successful, AdaptX is the sole beneficiary of registration and fundraising. Visit the Impact page to see the work that you are supporting.

Definitely not.

No, you can opt to be included in the “open” field if you don’t want to be listed or included in an adaptive division.

Yes! During registration it will give you the opportunity to specify what type of mobility aid or adaptive equipment you plan to use.

No – there is no fundraising obligation.

No – you can set a goal for your fundraising efforts but you certainly are not obligated to reach a certain amount. There are incentives at different levels which you can learn about here.

Yes, if you would like to specify where your contribution goes, email [email protected].